IPL Savings – And Winter is the Perfect Time for Treatment!


Wintertime is THE Perfect Time of Year

to Erase Brown Age Spots and Rosacea with 

Intense Pulsed Light Laser (IPL) Therapy


Laser technology has advanced greatly over the past several years and laser therapy is now used to treat everything from acne scarring and brown spots to broken capillaries and hair removal. Skin, the body's largest organ, reflects your internal health.  Creating a healthy glow to the skin, whether through laser treatments and a quality skin care regimen can help you subtly, subconsciously attract others and make you feel good about yourself.

February 2015 Special

Full Face IPL $400

Savings $50

valentines day beauty

This month, the Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center is offering $50 off one Intense Pulsed Light photorejuvenation treatment to help erase unsightly brown sun spots and rosacea, also known as broken capillaries. 

Most patients require 3-4 IPL treatments several weeks apart for optimal results. Recovery time can vary from one to three days. With that in mind, some laser treatments are better to focus on in the winter when you have the availability to recover inside without the risk of dangerous sun exposure. Make your appointment today and your skin! 

Call 240-482-2555 for an appointment in Chevy Chase, and  

301-345-7375 to make an appointment in Greenbelt, MD today!