Chevy Chase Cosmetic & Dermatology Center > Welcome Ninka, Medical Aesthetician, to Our Practice!

Welcome Ninka, Medical Aesthetician, to Our Practice!

March 3rd, 2016

Ninka Medical Aesthetician Chevy Chase Cosmetic CenterWe are pleased to announce the addition of  Ninka, a licensed aesthetician, to our Chevy Chase office beginning in April. She will see patients on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 4pm. Ninka will offer medical grade facials, microdermabrasions, and skin care services to treat everything from aging skin to acne and rosacea.  We are adding SkinCeuticals, the advanced skincare line of medical grade products to our offerings.

Nina “Ninka” Baprawska is a Board-Certified Aesthetician licensed in the states of Virginia and Maryland. She is currently completing the Master Esthetician program at the Dermal Science International Academy in Virginia. 

Ninka also works as a professional fashion model doing both print work and runway modeling. Her experience in the high fashion industry and in the beauty business has greatly influenced her interest in skin care. The interplay between health, beauty and fashion has grown into a passion for Ninka and fuels her desire to provide exceptional skin care to her clients. 

Born and raised in Poland, Ninka emigrated to the US with her family.  With her European background, Ninka brings a very different outlook on skin and health care from the US standard of symptoms treatment. In Europe, there is a tremendous emphasis on health maintenance and prevention which also applies to skin care. It is common practice that regular skin care beginning with facials is started for girls as early as 15 years old.  This is a stark contrast to the US where only people with skin problems start seeking out skin care and treatment.  Ninka believes that early maintenance and prevention is the key to beautiful skin.

Education and communication are her caveats with patients. Understanding of their own skin care program and its personalized treatment suggestions, lead to maintenance of skin health and the prevention of skin problems that come from skin damage or aging. 


Make an appointment with Ninka for a skin analysis and customized facial today!

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