Chevy Chase Cosmetic & Dermatology Center > Ultherapy Provides Skin Tightening Without Surgery

Ultherapy Provides Skin Tightening Without Surgery

January 8th, 2018
By admin

As we mature, collective environmental damage and the natural aging process can cause wrinkles, heavy eyelid folds, lower face sagging skin around the neck and jawline. Non-invasive Ultherapy treatment is used to lift and tighten the skin safely in these areas and without the risks associated with surgery. In addition to a lift, this procedure is often used to treat textural issues such as fine lines and crepey loose skin on the face and decollétage. Ultherapy strengthens and rebuilds collagen over time, preserving it from further damage.

Ultherapy is the only FDA-approved non-invasive method for tightening and lifting the skin on the neck, chin and brow. This effective treatment uses tried and true ultrasound technology to improve the appearance of the skin. Ultherapy completely eliminates the need for surgery.

Ultherapy Costs Less Than Surgery

Ultherapy costs a fraction of the price of traditional facial cosmetic surgery. This procedure enables patients to achieve fantastic results without the hassle, bruising, scarring and downtime associated with surgery. Once the procedure is complete, patients may return to normal activities the very next day without any physical indication that a procedure took place. Ultherapy using ultrasound technology, stimulates the body’s natural ability to lift and tighten the skin.

Christie Brinkley Ultherapy Skin Tightening

How it Works

Ultherapy uses focused ultrasound energy to stimulate the production of new collagen deep within the skin. The use of sonogram technology enables our board-certified dermatologists to target only the areas where treatment will be most effective. This also ensures that pertinent structures and nerves are completely avoided during treatment. Our providers customize treatment, adding multiple passes to areas that need it the most for optimal results. The entire procedure takes approximately one to two hours to complete. Additional time is necessary before the procedure if pain medications are administered. 

Although some tenderness after treatment is normal, there is absolutely no downtime with this procedure. Patients can return to their normal activities on the same day of treatment or the very next day if pain medication was taken.

Natural Looking Results

Results of Ultherapy are gradual because it takes time for the body to produce new collagen. Results can typically be seen within three to six months following treatment. Ultherapy significantly improves the neck and jawline without creating an unnatural appearance. Results are dramatic, yet natural looking because it does not alter your look, just improve it to what it used to be.

Ultherapy is an extremely effective way to eliminate sagging skin under the chin and neck. This procedure can shave years off a patient’s appearance, significantly boosting their confidence and self-esteem.

Ultherapy non-surgical skin tightening option

Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center specializes in non-surgical cosmetic treatments. We are pleased to offer Ultherapy to our patients. This effective treatment is less expensive and carries less risk than traditional cosmetic surgery, with absolutely no downtime.

Contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation to see if Ultherapy is right for you.

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