Chevy Chase Cosmetic & Dermatology Center > How To Eliminate Neck Fat Known As Turkey Neck and Double Chin

How To Eliminate Neck Fat Known As Turkey Neck and Double Chin

August 21st, 2015
By Michelle Delino

Dermasurgeon Dr. Eric Finzi Explains How To Reduce Neck Fat Using Liposuction, and in Some Cases, Combined With Ultherapy, for A Chisled Chin

BeforeAfterLipoCollageThe neck is an important area of cosmetic concern for men and women alike. Over the past 20 years I have treated over 3,000 patients safely under local anesthesia with tumescent liposuction to reduce excess fat in the neck and chin areas. What most people don’t realize is how quick, safe and easy treatment of the neck is, by this technique. local anesthesia, in 30 minutes, and without a single suture, I can reliably remove all the excess fat from the neck. And because we don’t need sutures there aren’t visible scars. I mention this because there has been some recent press about getting rid of fat by injecting chemicals that kill the fat cells. In the end, because this new treatment requires multiple visits and needle injections, it is more complicated, expensive and painful than simple liposuction. Over the years there have been many “new” cosmetic treatments for fat, most of which are no longer even discussed. Only the true tumescent liposuction technique of removing the fat has proven itself over time, and it is too early to tell the fate of this latest beauty craze and press darling.

Ultherapy for Turkey Neck

Cases Of Excess Fat In The Neck

In some cases where there is a lot of excess fat in the neck, and a more pronounced, chisled jawline is desired, a combination of liposuction and Ultherapy will get the best,
most dramatic results. After healing from the tumescent liposuction procedure to remove the unwanted fat, I will 
then treat the neck with Ultherapy skin tightening using ultrasound technology to further lift and contour the skin on the neck – the optimal facial symmetry my patients with double chins desire.

Ultherapy In Maryland

Ultherapy works by delivering the right amount of ultrasonic energy at the right depths, and at the right temperature, which triggers skin tightening plus the natural regeneration of age-weakened collagen. The production of fresh, new collagen takes three to six months to see the final results. 

Banish that double chin and turkey neck fat for good in two treatment sessions, all from the comfort of Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center’s Maryland in-office medical suites. You’ll look healthier, younger and more refreshed in no time.

Patients who think they may be a good candidate for Liposuction and Ultherapy to treat, and eliminate turkey neck are encouraged to contact Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Eric Finzi and his dermatology team. Call 240-482-2555 for an appointment today!

About Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center

Our board-certified dermatologists and medical staff are committed to delivering the highest level of skin healthcare while ensuring the dignity, respect, and privacy of every patient. Whether you need to check a suspicious mole for skin cancer, or have concerns about aging skin, our physicians will diagnose, evaluate, and discuss the least invasive treatment options tailored to your individual needs and provide complimentary consultations to empower you to make a decision that’s right for you. We understand the harmony between your appearance and a positive self-image and strive to help you attain your goals so that you may enjoy life to the absolute fullest.

At Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center in Chevy Chase, MD, and Greenbelt, MD, we diagnose and treat all skin conditions – from general and medical dermatology to non-invasive cosmetic dermatology. For more information, please contact us using the contact form below.

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