Chevy Chase Cosmetic & Dermatology Center > Give Dad the Gift of Renewed Youth. Give Dad Ultherapy for Father’s Day!

Give Dad the Gift of Renewed Youth. Give Dad Ultherapy for Father’s Day!

June 9th, 2015
Michelle Delino

Ultherapy For men

Ultherapy: It’s not just for Mom anymore.

Do men age better than women? We say Nay! Men age just as women do, and like women, men often feel self-conscious about their skin as it begins to lose its strength and sag, causing droopy eyes, loose jowls and turkey neck. The  Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center is proud to offer this award-winning non-surgical lifting procedure for women and men alike.

Father’s Day is quickly approaching, and if you ask us, there’s no better way to show Dad you care than with a little trip to the fountain of youth — Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center, that is. There’s no actual youth serum here that magically reverses aging, but we come close with Ultherapy, the only non-invasive cosmetic procedure approved by the FDA for lifting, toning, and tightening the skin of the neck, face and jawline, areas most men talk to us about improving.   How does it work?   Ultherapy works by delivering the right amount of ultrasonic energy at the right depths, and at the right temperature to areas that need tightening and lifting. The ultrasound triggers the natural regeneration of age-weakened collagen and the production of fresh, new collagen. Learn more.

Is Ultherapy better than other cosmetic methods to tighten skin?

Other more invasive methods to reduce and eliminate drooping, sagging skin such as traditional cosmetic surgery, simply cannot bypass the superficial skin layers to target the deeper structural sub-layers of the skin in the way Ultherapy can. It is the only procedure to use ultrasound imaging, which allows us to actually see the layers of tissue we target during the treatment and ensure the energy is deposited precisely to where it will be most effective based on the patient’s desired results.

Testimonial: Ultherapy was right for Dave, and it may be right for Dad, too:  

Contact Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center at 240-482-2555 or email to schedule a complimentary Ultherapy consultation.

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