Chevy Chase Cosmetic & Dermatology Center > FDA-Approved Non-Invasive Treatment For Getting Rid Of That Turkey Neck

FDA-Approved Non-Invasive Treatment For Getting Rid Of That Turkey Neck

February 24th, 2015
By Michelle Delino

Don’t Feel Bad About Your Neck: Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center Offers Ultherapy, an FDA-Approved Non-Invasive Treatment for Getting Rid of That Turkey Neck

Nora Ephron felt bad about her neck, but you don’t have to.

As women (and men, too) age, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation begins to break down the skin’s connective tissues that lie deep within the dermis layer. Without the support of youthful collagen and elastin, the skin loses its strength and flexibility, and begins to sag.

But now Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center has good news: Never again will you look in the mirror, and see that dreaded turkey neck staring back at you.

Ultherapy Skin Tightening Before & After 2 Ultherapy Skin Tightening Before & After

Ultherapy: An FDA-Approved Non-Invasive Treatment for Turkey Neck

Ultherapy is the only procedure approved by the FDA for lifting and tightening the skin of the neck and chest without surgery. This non-invasive treatment for turkey neck can be completed in just one ultrasound procedure with no downtime. And it’s completely safe.

Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center is proud to offer the award-winning non-surgical lifting procedure, Ultherapy, designed to counteract the effects of time and gravity on your neck and chest.

How does it work?

Ultherapy works by delivering the right amount of ultrasonic energy at the right depths, and at the right temperature, which, in turn, triggers the natural regeneration of age-weakened collagen, as well as the production of fresh, new collagen. Other, more invasive methods used by cosmetic dermatologists to reduce, and eliminate that embarrassing turkey neck (such as laser treatment or surgery) simply cannot bypass the superficial skin layers to target the deeper structural sub-layers of the skin in the way Ultherapy can. It also is the only procedure to use ultrasound imaging, which allows us to actually see the layers of tissue we target during the treatment and ensure the energy is deposited precisely to where it will be most effective.

man ultherapy before and after image

When will I see results from this non-invasive treatment for turkey neck?

Some Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center patients will see results from the non-invasive treatment for turkey neck right away, but the production of collagen happens over time, and most can expect a reduction in sagging, wrinkled skin over a period of three to six months.

How long will Ultherapy last?

You can expect to still see results from your Ultherapy treatment for at least a year. But as skin continues to age (We know. Don’t remind you.), touch-up treatments will likely be needed.

Oh, and if we may, a tip: Wear sunscreen. Wear sunscreen all the time.

If you feel that you may be a candidate for the Ultherapy non-invasive treatment for minimizing the look of your turkey neck, contact Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center for a free consultation.

See for yourself what the Ultherapy procedure looks like at Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center:

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